Henwen's Barn

You enter a humble yet sturdily-made wooden barn. The moment you enter, the scent of farmyards hits you and you look around for livestock.

"Caution, dungeoneer." Sir Escart's warning, pitched low as if he fears that someone, or something, might overhear him. "This is the barn of Henwen the Pig. Like all animals she is unpredictable. Unlike most other animals, she has a limited ability to understand human speech and has a tendency towards spite. I wouldn't risk her wrath: this is her home and you have not been invited."

As Sir Escart speaks you can hear the sound of a pig grunting and digging through the straw, perhaps for a morsel to eat. Do you have anything a pig might like to eat? If so, you may choose to throw it to her to delay her from charging at you. If so, cross it off your inventory.

You must hurry before she makes good on the rumour that pigs will eat anything.
