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Ecosystem Development

I can develop an ecosystem for you at multiple levels: kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, and species, to include animals, plants, invertebrates, and/or fungi. You can use this to fill in the gaps of parts of your world that interest you less, and to inspire you to explore new areas of your world.


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Ecosystem Case Study - Ris'war World

My logo, in lieu of a picture of any Ris'war World plants.Ris'war World doesn't yet have its own name. For now it's named after a species native to the planet, and both the planet and species belong to J. E. Flint (and yes, she gets everywhere, doesn't she?).

In early 2022, Flint and I worked on a Lore Bible for the ris'war species. The more we worked, the more we felt a need to explore the plants and animals that the ris'war would encounter on their planet so that we could establish what they ate, built their homes from, and other details. Ecosystem development didn't interest Flint so I offered to do this work on her behalf. She agreed to this.

Flint paid for me to spend four hours developing the core of a plant ecosystem, and then a further four hours developing the same for an animal ecosystem. She specified that she needed this ecosystem to be mostly aquatic or marine. I spent the four "plant" hours organising the overall structure of the planet ecosystem and beginning to create plants within that overall stucture. The above file shows how much work I completed within this time.

By the end of the four hours we had enough information to be able to write about the ris'wars' culture in greater detail. Flint also had enough detail to mention those plants and their uses in her stories if she chose to, which would allow her to make her writing feel richer and more detailed.

If Flint had booked more development time we could have spent more hours naming the plants, and begun to develop the fungi and invertebrate of Ris'war World. Flint could also have used her eco-dev report to request an Artist Find and hire an artist to draw some examples of the plant groups, to further bring Ris'war World to life.

As a final note, Flint also commissioned Mike's Maps to draw an atlas of Ris'war World for her. Knowing the nature of the plants that show up on the ris'wars' world allows Mike to plot the spread of certain plant types, allowing him to make a more detailed geological map.