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Protecting Kaleida

Help people enjoy the beauty of Kaleida in safety.

Just like any National Park, "global parks" - the planet-scale equivalent, such as Kaleida - require protection. Given the huge scale of Kaleida (which is approximately Earth-sized), individual rangers would be insufficient for the role, so ranger teams are hired instead. As such, Kaleida has multiple bases across the planet where its ranger teams live. Wherever possible they live within reasonable travelling distance of a research team.

Global Ranger Responsibilities

As a member of a global ranger team, your tasks will include the following:

  1. Law enforcement, including:
    • liaising with ranger team's associated research team on a two-weekly basis or as necessary regarding any findings indicating unsanctioned alien activity on Kaleida.
    • performing criminal history checks on suspicious individuals.
    • protecting Kaleida's natural environment and the culture of its people, using law enforcement powers if necessary.
    • protecting any research team members and holidaymakers who are situated within the ranger team's area of responsibility, including in a paramilitary capacity if necessary.
    • responding to evidence of poachers, guerillas, or other unsanctioned visitors to the ranger team's area of responsibility.
  2. Education/Information, including:
    • providing educational presentations such as guided tours and arranging demonstrations by locals, wherever this is practical.
    • providing information to all visitors, including explaining regulations, trival laws, and global laws, informing them about resources and facilities available, and giving weather forecasts, and giving walking or riding directions.
  3. Emergency response, including:
    • ensuring that you have a team member capable of providing dispatch services at all times
    • providing wilderness first aid, search and rescue (including high-angle rescue and swift water rescue; SCUBA competency required), and paramedic services
    • probiding wild land firefighting services.
  4. Research, including:
    • liaising with your research team to thoroughly inform yourself about the resources under your care.
  5. Maintenance, including:
    • maintaining a positive working relationship with local tribes.
    • maintaining a positive working relationship with visitors.
    • maintaining infrastructure by reporting and repairing (wherever possible) any weather-related damage to camping grounds, fire rings, laboratories, ranger and research team living spaces, and trails.
    • preparing for winter and spring.
  6. Administration, including:
    • liaising with IUPC representative over budgets, human resources, Kaleida's cultural, environmental, and research policies, technology.

Further tasks may be added to or removed from this list depending on the contributions provided by the research teams.