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Feel Like Drawing Something?

If you're interested in doing a trade with me, here's the art I'm specifically looking for! These are my scruffy versions of what I have in mind, but if you feel you can do a good job with any of these, let me know (contact details are in the footer)!

I like to do trades with artists, with my contribution to the trade including consultation time, No Frills, asynch work, or ghostwriting. Please contact me before going ahead with your side of a trade, though - I have limited slots of time for this as I must also complete paid-for commissions!

(Also, be sure to ask me for more detailed descriptions - I can show and tell you far more in terms of detail than just the below pictures.)

Caverns Of Light

The Caverns Of Light are underground caverns fed by subterranean rivers. Plants and animals live down there, and most of them are bioluminescent.

White Caves

The White Caves are a complex network of pale, limestone caves in the desert. The helicoid pinno' grath have used them to shelter from the mid-day desert heat for thousands of years, so the caves are smooth-sided from being brushed by the predators' wing-arms, backs, and feathers.


Kaleida's equator is bisected by a long island chain called Evallie, and some of these islands are rich with blue rock, which creates a highly unusual blue environment.

Amber Islands Time-lapse

The history of the Amber Islands takes place over hundreds of thousands of years - much like that of the Nacrefalls, actually. Here's what the process would have looked like.

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A prehistoric volcanic island chain in the tundra.
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When the volcanoes became less active, a coniferous forest grew on them. Over thousands of years they dropped lots of sap which turned into amber.
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Some volcanoes were still warm, and heated up enough to kill the trees. The heat also melted the amber which effectvely purified it.
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Low-level bubbling of the volcanoes pushed the molten amber over the crater edges, where it solidified into transparent, golden rings.